How CBD can help you to fight depression?
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the main cause of disability worldwide, and it is also one of the three major problems at the workplace (the other two are stress and family crisis). It is difficult to overestimate the losses it causes to our families, communities and society as a whole. For many years people have been looking for a safe and effective way to help them cope with the disease, and today some report positive results with CBD.
In recent decades, the main methods of treatment for depression have been pharmaceuticals such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), which change the hormonal balance of the brain in an attempt to alleviate symptoms. Although they may be effective for some people, they have also been shown to have serious side effects, and many of the patients are at high risk of dependency or abuse.
CBD oil has a more favourable safety profile. When WHO recommended the abolition of all international controls on the substance, their report specifically mentioned that CBD was not known to cause any significant adverse effects and that it showed “no possibility of abuse and no possibility of addiction”.
This is because this cannabidiol is not psychoactive. CBD affects the endocannabinoid system, a network of receptors throughout the body that control a wide range of functions, including mood. While research is still in its infancy, early results suggest that CBD may have antidepressant effects by activating receptors such as 5-HT1A, better known as serotonin receptor.
While this is an encouraging sign that CBD oil may be effective in the treatment of depressed people, it is important to note that research is not only speculative but that not all CBD products are made in the right way – some will be more effective than others.
Bioteca products follow all European quality standards and undergo numerous laboratory tests before they go on sale.
To help in the treatment of depression, CBD must be of a certain type. The two most important characteristics are:
- it’s not derived from industrial hemp.
- It has a full spectrum extract.
CDB can be derived from both industrial cannabis (low THC and CDB content) and cannabis plant (high percentage of cannabinoid content), two closely related members of the Sativa family. Although CBD from industrial cannabis is more common, it is also less effective for a simple reason. Bioteca uses cannabis plant to produce its CBD products.
Industrial cannabis varieties contain no more than 0.3 per cent THC. Although many customers do not need high THC levels, this is still important, as the ideal oil for treatment a full-spectrum oil containing all the useful cannabinoids and terpenes are needed. Bioteca makes its oils and pastes from the full spectrum cannabinoid to maintain the highest quality of the products.
It is important to remember that when it comes to CBD, there is no single acceptable dose that suits everyone. The dosage varies from person to person depending on the various facts mentioned above. The best way to determine the dosage of CBD for you is to get advice from your doctor.
- Determine the form in which you should take your CBD. Our products are available in the form of drops, pastes, and sprays.
- Do not take too much CBD. It is important to note that hemp therapy often works on the principle that “the less the better”. If you are not getting the desired results from a high dose, we recommend that you consider reducing it, not increasing it. This method has helped many patients to find their ‘golden mean’, i.e. the best dosage for treating their particular condition at that particular moment. But remember that you may have to adjust your ‘golden mean’ after a certain amount of time during treatment.
- If you are already taking other medications, be aware of possible side effects and drug interactions. You should discuss this with your doctor.