CBD for seniors: a full guide on how to use CBD to fight age diseases
CBD For Seniors: A Full Guide On How To Use CBD To Fight Age Diseases
It is not a secret that, during the ageing process, it is natural for certain physical and cognitive functions to get worse and even if it is not possible to stop this natural process, we still could try some remedies to facilitate this transition.
What is the relationship between CBD and senior citizens? Can older people consume CBD? In which cases is it recommended?
In this article, we will discuss why CBD products are considered helpful for seniors and how they should be used to achieve the best results.
The first thing we have to explain to readers looking to include CBD into their lives is that Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the main compounds of the cannabis plant. However, even though its origin can be associated with the common effects of marijuana, it does not produce any psychoactive effect. In other words, you will not experience any kind of “high” sensation, an increase in appetite, or euphoria, as it could happen with cannabis.
CBD is known for other effects, helpful for our health. Its positive outcomes tend to be associated with lessening and the relief of certain conditions, such as stress or anxiety. But that’s not all, because several preliminary studies have shown positive results in the use of CBD as a treatment for serious degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Sclerosis or Alzheimer’s.
As we discovered above, CBD doesn’t have any psychoactive effects, so it can be consumed by everybody who is looking for relief from pain and other symptoms without any unexpected side effects. On the contrary, one of the main advantages of CBD is that it performs more effectively and much safer than other types of anti-anxiety and analgesic drugs. We advise, however, to consult your doctor before taking any product that contains Cannabidiol.
Nowadays, CBD has various presentations and intake options. Most take it in the form of CBD-rich Oil, administered sublingually for a quick and efficient effect, but this is not the only option. CBD can also be consumed through E-liquid for vaping, soft capsules, CBD crystals or even creams and ointments.
CBD has various uses, ranging from the treatment of minor ailments such as insomnia or anxiety to the partial relief of some serious diseases such as Fibromyalgia, Sclerosis or Epilepsy.
In the case of the elderly, CBD can be an excellent alternative to minimize the appearance of ailments typical of the ageing. Many older people suffer joint pain that reduces mobility and can seriously affect the quality of their life. Besides, they may often have trouble falling asleep or rest properly, not to mention more serious problems like depression and chronic anxiety.
The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties of CBD are ideal for treating age-related problems. It is also effective in maintaining and improving cognitive abilities such as memory or concentration.
Here we will analyze in which cases it is advisable to use CBD when it comes to older people.
CBD for muscle and joint pain
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease of autoimmune origin, and the endocannabinoid system can control the response of our immune system. That’s why cannabidiol is ideal for elderly patients with arthritis or osteoarthritis problems. CBD is also an effective anti-inflammatory remedy and acts as a powerful pain reliever. Many patients with similar conditions already use creams rich in CBD to reduce their symptoms.
CBD to reduce anxiety
CBD interacts with our brain in a very unique way, encouraging the feeling of calm and reducing stress. For this reason, we suggest using it to moderate panic, anxiety and various psychosis, such as delusions, hallucinations, paranoia or disordered thoughts. It is also ideal for older people with insomnia or other sleep problems.
CBD for relief of chronic pain
One of the main uses of CBD is to relieve chronic pain. Its pain-relieving properties, as well as the absence of side effects, make it a perfect alternative to opiates and other pain relievers. Currently millions of older people worldwide are effectively fighting chronic pain with the help of Cannabidiol-rich hemp oil.
CBD to prevent diabetes
Diabetes is a problem that many elderly patients face. According to preliminary studies, the use of cannabinoids such as CBD reduces the incidence and progression of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Also, as studies show, there is an improvement in the symptoms associated with diabetes such as pain, temperature hypersensitivity, and inflammation. Progress in vascular function and immune response has also been observed.
CBD to strengthen bones and prevent Osteoporosis
As we get older, our bones become weaker and more brittle. One of the most common accidents among seniors is the dreaded hip fracture. Recent researches show the presence of cannabinoid receptors in bone tissues. CBD can slow down the Osteoporosis process and help bone regeneration after suffering fractures and fissures.
CBD to reduce tremors in Parkinson’s
Although Parkinson’s disease can appear at any time in our lives, it is more common among the elderly. There is scientific evidence that CBD is effective in treating some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, a serious neurodegenerative disorder. Specifically, Cannabidiol acts as a neuroprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory remedy. At the same time, CBD reduces the risk of psychosis and greatly improves the quality of sleep.
CBD to improve the cognitive status of Alzheimer’s patients
Recent research, as well as testimonials from patients and families, indicate that CBD works by improving cognitive aspects such as speech, orientation, and emotional state. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are very effective against neuroinflammation and oxidative stress that cause neuronal death in Alzheimer’s patients. Furthermore, Cannabidiol stimulates neuronal tissue and favours neurogenesis, which slows down the process of cognitive degradation.
In healthy patients, the differences between the concentration before and after the consumption of CBD could be superficial. However, in patients with primary symptoms of Alzheimer’s, the difference can be noticeable, as confirmed by several preliminary studies.
CBD against depression
CBD is currently used to alleviate some of the most severe symptoms of depression. Recent studies show that Cannabidiol helps increase serotonin levels in the body. At the same time, its sedative properties considerably improve the quality of sleep and prevent episodes of insomnia that usually accompanies this disease.
CBD to reduce the risk of stroke
Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in Europe. The neuroprotective properties of CBD are effective in reducing damage and accelerating neuronal recovery after a stroke. Preliminary scientific studies are very promising and researchers do not hide their optimism. In the coming years, it is expected that great scientific advances will be made in the use of CBD against the risk of stroke.
CBD to improve blood circulation in patients with varicose veins and tired legs
CBD is a perfect ally to relieve varicose symptoms. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory that promotes blood circulation and helps prevent and treat problems with tired legs, tingling, and swelling.
So far we have explained what CBD is, CBD properties and its different uses for the senior population. Let’s talk about the legal aspects of the CBD. Is CBD legal and are there any restrictions in its use?
We all know that cannabis is mostly banned or severely restricted around the world, however, since CBD has no psychoactive effects once it is isolated from other cannabinoids, it is present without major restrictions in most countries of the planet. Therefore, buying and consuming CBD does not violate any legal regulations.
Today our lives are affected by chemical and toxic products that may generate strong side effects in our body. While it is true that the use of CBD for medical purposes is still in the study phase, it is also true that these studies show very positive preliminary results of CBD as a reliable remedy in the treatment of certain ailments.
Cannabidiol is already used by seniors around the world to relieve pain, insomnia, and anxiety. Numerous scientific studies support it and first treatments with CBD as an active ingredient are already being marketed. Even if we cannot stop the natural process of ageing, we should still try to facilitate this transition, and CBD can be a good ally in this fight.