Positive effects of CBD

How exactly cannabidiol affects the endocannabinoid system is not fully understood, but it’s effects are well known and now even backed by science.


stimulates endocannabinoid production


reduces their degradation


loosens up the cannabinoid receptors


reinforcers the endocannabinoid system


helps bringing back the balance to our bodies

01 – Neurons
Communicate with each other by sending chemical messages. In general, the function of a cell can be changed by receiving a message.

03 – Postsynaptic
neuron has receptors to receive the neurotransmitters (to receive the chemical message)

05 – Endocannabinoids
Are formed in the postsynaptic neuron and pass to the receptors on the presynaptic neuron. Similar to neurotransmitters they send a message by binding to cannabinoid receptors.

02 – Presynaptic
neuron produces and releases neurotransmitters (chemical messengers)

04 – Cannabinoid receptors
Are activated when cannabinoids attach to them. After binding, the neuron receives the message and passes it along to another neuron

06 – Phytocannabinoids
Phytocannabinoids from cannabis are introduced to influence on our endocannabinoid system. They bind to cannabinoid receptors and their interference can improve (CBD) or impair (THC) the functioning of ECS.

01 – Neurons
Communicate with each other by sending chemical messages. In general, the function of a cell can be changed by receiving a message.

02 – Presynaptic
neuron produces and releases neurotransmitters (chemical messengers)

03 – Postsynaptic
neuron has receptors to receive the neurotransmitters (to receive the chemical message)

04 – Cannabinoid receptors
Are activated when cannabinoids attach to them. After binding, the neuron receives the message and passes it along to another neuron

05 – Endocannabinoids
Are formed in the postsynaptic neuron and pass to the receptors on the presynaptic neuron. Similar to neurotransmitters they send a message by binding to cannabinoid receptors.

06 – Phytocannabinoids
Phytocannabinoids from cannabis are introduced to influence on our endocannabinoid system. They bind to cannabinoid receptors and their interference can improve (CBD) or impair (THC) the functioning of ECS.

What is the endocannabinoid system?

The endocannabinoid system isa complex system in our bodies that works on the cellular level to maintain homeostasis. It consists of endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. Endocannabinoids are compounds produced by our bodies, similar to neurotransmitters, which bind to our cannabinoid receptors. Their function is to send messages between neurons so the cells can communicate better. This way they help the body to perform better. They regulate our appetite and sleep patterns, memory, and they are behind the proper functionality of many physiological processes.

CB1 cannabinoid receptors
Are concentrated in the brain and the central nervous system, a system in the body that maintains core functions such as motor activity, pain perception, stress response, and memory.

CB2 cannabinoid receptors
Are widely distributed throughout the peripheral organs in the body, serving as core components in the immune system, muscular system, and cardiovascular system.

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+386 31 607 030

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