How can CBD help you relief your back pain?
Back pain is a daily nuisance for thousands of people. Due to the complexity and number of moving parts in and around the spine, these can be exposed to many injuries throughout our lives, which can cause more or fewer limitations for people affected by any disorder of the spine.
While many suffer in silence, back pain is one of the leading causes of prolonged unemployment. However, some people who experience back pain daily have found relief in an all-natural solution: CBD oil.
Today the number of patients with chronic back pain is increasing.
It is is a condition that affects our society as a whole, highlighting the importance of a continuous fight against pain. Some people often ignore back pain as it is considered a minor annoyance rather than a disorder that can affect us all.
To endure a day of chronic pain, most people do two things: They try to ignore the pain until it becomes excruciating, and then they turn to prescription medications for professional help.
Looking at prescription drugs in recent years, there is a clear tendency to use so-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for the treatment of various types of pain. Although these medications are normally used in palliative care, they are now considered a standard in the treatment of back pain. This situation has led to an increase in cases of addiction to these drugs.
However, even if doctors discontinue a prescription because of the risk or suspicion of addiction, patients do not necessarily stop taking drugs. In despair, they turn to the black market for opioids – a trend that has led many to a criminal life due to the need to alleviate pain.
In light of these developments, CBD as an accepted alternative to conventional back pain treatments is more important than ever.
CBD (cannabidiol) has been extensively investigated in recent years as an alternative to opioids to treat chronic pain. Currently, most studies are in a preliminary phase of research, and although human trials are few, early results indicate that CBD may be a very promising therapeutic option for pain management.
In a study published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the United States National Institute of Health, CBD was shown to significantly reduce chronic inflammation and neuropathic pain in rats. These results were achieved without the rats developing signs of tolerance.
An analysis published in 2014 found that CBD remains a viable alternative to current pain management and control. Neuropathic pain, in particular, was mentioned, which often arises when the initial cause (or injury) disappears and yet the pain persists because the affected nerves continue to emit pain signals to the brain. In these cases, hydrocodone is often prescribed, but US researchers found that patients taking CBD were less likely to ask for prescriptions for this medication. This could suggest that CBD has strong pain-relieving properties and opioid-like effects. However, more studies are still required to fully understand these effects.
In Europe, synthetic cannabinoids have been used for many years. Research has shown that they can relieve pain compared to a placebo and that this effect can be achieved without increasing the dose over 52 weeks. These results are significant, bearing in mind that in conventional treatments the dose of opioids must be gradually increased.

One of the main differences observed between the use of CBD and prescription medications for back pain is the risk of addiction. While opioids generally carry a high risk of abuse and addiction, several studies have shown that there is no such risk related to the use of CBD for the treatment of long-term pain, and the danger of adverse effects is virtually non-existent.
So there is no reason to worry about using CBD oil for back pain.
When choosing your product, it’s important to look for full-spectrum products that are third-party tested, meaning a lab has verified that they contain what the packaging says they do. You should be able to find this information on a company’s website. Look for products made from organically grown hemp. Organic ingredients mean you’re less likely to consume pesticides or other chemicals. By choosing Bioteca, you guarantee yourself the best quality, third-party lab-tested, full-spectrum, products, made from
Although studies have not yet found any CBD side effects, it is advisable to speak to your doctor before starting CBD treatment. This is especially important for those who want to limit the use of prescription medications, as CBD can interfere with the effects of these and other medications.
The potential of CBD as a natural option for pain control is a great possibility for many people with back pain.