What Effects Does CBD Has On The Human Body?
CBD is gaining attention these days due to its potential benefits on the health anf general well-being. To understand why CBD is so effective in preventing some diseases, you must first understand the human endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system is the part of the body responsible for most of the body’s vital processes, including the immune system, central nervous system, digestive system, memory, and learning. The endocannabinoid system manages and controls the body’s natural responses. However, the system can be weakened due to external injury or illness.
The ECS endogenous cannabinoid system contains several cells and molecules that spread throughout the body, including the brain, connective tissues, organs, immune cells, and glands. Research show that the endocannabinoid system can be affected by external cannabinoids, such as CBD. According to the National Institutes of Health, the endocannabinoid system can be manipulated by external sources like CBD to treat various medical ailments.
The endocannabinoid system consists of cannabinoid receptors that spread throughout the body. The cannabinoid receptor 1 or CB1 is found in abundance in the central nervous system, while the cannabinoid receptor 2 or CB2 is found in the gastrointestinal tract, immune cells, and the peripheral nervous system. These receptors are responsible for managing various functions in the body including immune function, pain, sleep, mood, memory, digestion, fertility, and motor control.
These are the body’s natural cannabinoids, but sometimes the natural endocannabinoid system is disrupted and does not function optimally. Here comes the role of CBD, CBD does not fit or bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors, but rather stimulates the functions of both receptors. Due to this interaction, CB1 receptors become more active and function efficiently in different parts of the body. Since THC binds to receptors and produces psychoactive elements, CBD, on the other hand, is the negative allosteric modulator of the CB1 receptor. It means that CBD can inhibit THC’s psychotic potential by modifying the CB1 receptor.
The second major cannabinoid receptor, the CB2 receptor, which is responsible for so many functions, is also a reason for the onset of inflammation. While CBD has a positive effect on the CB1 receptor and stimulates its functions, CBD has a negative effect on the CB2 receptor, which means that using CBD the CB2 receptor weakens in its efficiency. The anti-inflammatory qualities of CBD are due to this mechanism, but research has shown that the effect is minimal to the point of being negligible. Some people still wonder how CBD can have positive effects on the endocannabinoid system when it indirectly affects the CB1 receptor and the CB2 receptor only marginally.
CBD has two other effects on the endocannabinoid system: it modifies the activity of enzymes and protein and the concentration of anandamide, which is the natural cannabinoid.
Considering the influence of CBD on enzymes, it is often forgotten that the body contains not only receptors and neurotransmitters but also the enzymes that regulate the entire mechanism. The endocannabinoid system has the key enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH). FAAH is the enzyme that destroys anandamide’s function and weakens it, while CBD is known as a FAAH inhibitor. This means that CBD does not allow FAAH to work efficiently and weakens it, resulting in increased anandamide concentration. This leads to a positive impact on the endocannabinoid system. CBD does not directly affect anandamide and is also a weak FAAH inhibitor, so its effects cannot be entirely attributed to the enzyme system.
Another indirect effect of CBD is on the fatty acid-binding protein (FABP). These proteins are responsible for binding. In the case of the endocannabinoid system, it binds to the anandamide synapse and transports it out of the synapse where it is broken down or metabolized by FAAH. Therefore, CBD inhibits the binding of FABP to anandamide, rather it attracts FABP and takes it to an efficient place, resulting in less metabolism of anandamide and increasing its effects on the system.
CBD also has other effects on the body. For example, CBD binds to the G protein receptor known as TRPV-1, which mediates body temperature and perceptions of pain and inflammation. CBD is also used to activate serotonin receptors and can also inhibit the ID-1 gene, which causes various types of cancer.
A healthy endocannabinoid system not only manages and controls the body’s internal processes but also has an effect on a person’s social behavior. It acts as a bridge between the mind and the body and cannabinoids influence a person’s relationship with their external environment. The proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system is crucial for a healthy body and mind. If there is a deficiency of cannabinoids in the system, CBD can eliminate this deficiency.
CBD oil has many health benefits. It will not cause you any serious harm. You should use it carefully and store it carefully. To take full advantage of CBD oil, start using it regularly. You will notice many positive changes in your health.