CBD is effective in treating acne problems
CBD continues to surprise us with the different applications it has in our daily life, especially in areas related to health. In this article, we are going to analyze the effectiveness of CBD as an acne treatment.
Acne is the most common skin disease in the world. Today, millions of patients, both teenagers, and adults suffer from acne. And although there are already approved medical treatments to counteract the symptoms of this pathology, the reality is that many of these treatments are expensive and, also, can generate even more serious side effects than acne.
The anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties of CBD make it an excellent alternative to combat acne. We can already find a good number of acne creams and ointments, the main component of which is Cannabidiol. But is there any scientific evidence to show the effectiveness of CBD as a treatment for this and other skin ailments? Let’s disover it together!
Acne is a skin disease that affects the pores of the skin and occurs mainly in children and adolescents, though it affects people of all ages. It normally appears on areas of the face such as the forehead or cheeks, although it can also occur on the shoulders and back. Sometimes it can lead to severe ulcers and scars on large areas of the face, which can pose a serious social stigma. In the case of adolescents, it can have serious psychological consequences such as low self-esteem, anxiety or depression.
The causes of acne are different. Although the appearance of the pimples is due to the accumulation of toxins and fats in the sebaceous glands, the truth is that this accumulation can be due to a large number of factors. For some specialists, it would have to do mainly with the overproduction of hormones, which is why acne generally appears in puberty in men and as part of premenstrual symptoms in women. However, its appearance in adulthood can be related to stress, lack of skincare, candidiasis, genetic traits, allergic reactions, and inadequate diet and many more factors.
The first thing that we have to take into account is that acne is the generalized name that we give to a group of different skin pathologies. In this sense, there are four different types of acne: black spots, white spots, pimples, and cysts.
Although all of them are associated with some type of obstruction of the sebaceous glands, their ways of expressing it are usually different. In the case of blackheads and cysts, the obstruction is generated “inward”. Presenting in the case of the seconds the inflammatory presence and the impossibility of manually “removing” the excess fat.
White spots, popularly known as pimples are obstruction of the glands that are expressed “outward.” They are visible and in chronic cases, they can generate severe discomfort in the daily lives of patients.
As we have mentioned in other articles available on our website, Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. Unlike other cannabinoids, CBD does not generate any psychoactive effect.
Numerous scientific studies are currently being carried out to determine how CBD works in our body and why it is so effective in alleviating the symptoms of diseases such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, psoriasis or Crohn’s disease and many others. CBD has been scientifically proven to be an effective compound for treating severe neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and some types of refractory epilepsy resistant to traditional anticonvulsant medications.
CBD is used by thousands of people around the world for its anti-inflammatory, relaxing and anxiolytic properties. One of the most common applications is topical. CBD creams are increasingly used to treat skin problems like psoriasis or acne. They have also been shown to be effective in reducing wrinkles and premature skin ageing.
Treating acne problems can be tricky if not done with the right products. In some mild cases, black or white spots can be manually removed or removed simply using special soaps and other traditional non-abrasive cosmetic products.
However, in chronic cases of acne, these types of “simple” solutions can end up aggravating the symptoms. Especially in the case of pus-filled pimples and cysts, which are more painful types of acne. In these cases, doctors often recommend rigorous diets and more aggressive topical or oral treatments, which can lead to serious side effects in patients.
The properties of CBD, as well as the absence of side effects after its application, make it an excellent component for anti-inflammatory and analgesic creams. At the same time, its benefits to the skin and its ability to alleviate the symptoms of some common epidermal ailments have been demonstrated.
In the case of acne, CBD creams are very effective in reducing irritation and redness. They also have a very beneficial antibacterial and antioxidant effect in the most severe cases of acne. All this, without producing adverse effects or allergic reactions, as it happens with some conventional treatments.
Fortunately, there is already a large number of creams and cosmetics on the market that contain CBD as the main ingredient. Remember that among the main properties of CBD is the reduction of inflammation, which is ideal in the case of pimples and cysts. Likewise, by using CBD topically, we are helping the regeneration of the sebaceous glands, thus avoiding the excessive accumulation of toxins and fats in our skin.
CBD creams for acne treatment are applied to the affected region and almost immediately relieve the burning or itching sensation, reducing inflation and the discomfort caused by the appearance of pimples, blackheads, and cysts.
It must be said that most CBD creams and ointments include natural ingredients that enhance their benefits. Colloidal silver, lavender extract, hemp seed oil are just some of the components of these acne creams. These types of Cannabidiol creams penetrate deep into the pores, cleaning toxins and fats accumulated under the dermis.